Cash or Section 8 Tenant Placement

We help landlords fill their units with cash tenants or vouchers such as Section 8, Homeless/Emergency Vouchers, Domestic Vouchers, Veterans and more offered by Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and Wicomico County. Tenants undergo an application process including a credit and background check provided to the landlord for a finial approval. We charge the same amount as rent to find a tenant for your unit. Bundled pricing offered for more than 3 units.

Get Started!

Please send one email with pictures, the address, number of beds and baths, sqft, as well as the rent you are seeking. We will start searching for your tenant immediately and schedule a key pickup to show the unit. We will send an invoice when the tenant signs the lease. 

Need help registering with Section 8?

Requirements for Section 8

  1. Obtain Rental License
  2. Obtain Lead Certificate
  3. Provide Descent, affordable, safe Housing (No Slum Lords)
  4. Pass HQS Inspection for all units 
  5. Fix issues to pass HQS inspections before and during lease term